New member. New tank.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 16, 2012
Hello all. Just registered via the Android app and Im looking forward to chatting at this site and learning valuable info. Short and sweet, here is our 20 gallon long. 1 long fin Zebra Danio, 1 long fin Leopard Danio, 3 Glow Danios, 2 female Balloon Mollies, 2 painted Tetras, 1 Upside Down Catfish, 1 Otocinclus Catfish, 1 snail. We are about 3-4 inches over "the inch rule" but the catfish are always hiding in the rocks and we do 25% water change every Saturday. Plus everyone plays nice and its a great community. We also have 2 betta bowls as end pieces.






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Thanks all for the warm welcome and compliments. Unfortunately the plants are not real, they are mostly plastic and the big one is silk. The corner and back wall plant that looks like lilly pad leafs was actually one big plastic plant. I pulled it apart and I used christmas light suction cups holders to stick them to the glass beneath the gravel. It gives the illusion of really coming from the background when youre standing there (in my opinion anyway). All of the rocks are natural granite found and scrubbed. The alligator and cave are plastic. Thanks again.
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