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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 16, 2004
I just got some more neons from the LFS to make up for the one that died. I bought 2 and the lady threw in an extra one. When I got home I noticed that one of the neons seems to be missing its gill cover. His gills are completely exposed on one side. There isnt any signs of infection yet. Im wondering, what should I do? I havent added him in yet, theres about 1 teaspoon of salt in my 10 gallon. I did a 20 percent water change yesterday. Should I do another one, add more salt (how much) and maybe some fungus clear? Or should I even add him at all? He doesnt seem to be in any distress. Id hate for him to die or have to be seperated from the others, but at the same time, I dont want to hurt my other fish.
I have heard of fish surviving just fine with a gill plate missing - kindof like the ones without an eye that many of us have/had. I would say if there is no sign of infection, bacterial or fungal, then let things be, unless you feel ripped off, but I have a feeling you don't since she threw in an extra. Is this a quarrantine tank?

That is a tough guy, though, and deserves a name!

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