New Tank....need help with setup.....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 12, 2004
I just got a 70 gallon tank. 3 days ago I added salt water in and got the Pump started. I went to one of the fish stores and they told me to buy few damsel as it would help me cycle the tank I bought 7 damsels and added them to the tank.....I went to a different fish store to buy live sand and they said to cycle the tank much faster I can add few live rocks to the tank...that too will help in cycling the I bought about 14 lbs of lv rock......

So currently I have live sand, live rock and 7 damsels in the tank.....Is this Okay.......They asked me to turn off the proteim skimmer...upon asking if the UV light matters....they said no, you can leave them on or off...

today, I noticed that one of the live rocks has some dead areas (black with white filmy substance on it).....I am not getting a proper answer as to how to remove it....someone tells me to siphon it and someone tells me to use a toothbrush to scrape it off.....What should I do?????
Are you testing your water parameters? specifically ammonia and nitrite?
The live rock is enough to cycle your tank. Using Damsels is an old, rather cruel way to cycle. Not giving you a hard time, just trying to help.
Dye off on you rock is normal and will clear up with time.
I would try to siphon off the dead area, but more importantly you need to monitor your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. When ammonia and nitrite reach 0, your tank is cycled and ready for livestock.
With the rock you do not need to used the Damsels, IMO you should take them back until the tank cycles.
Also 14 lbs is not much rock for your tank size. Another 50 lbs or so wouldn't hurt.
Good luck :wink:
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