new tank need help

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this is good, right? All is well and I am ready to populate?
It's better. Don't add any more bioload until the nitrites are at a constant ZERO. Adding more fish may stress the bacteria already there and problems could arise.
As for the algae bloom, keep water changing :roll:
OK been doing the water changes and the NO2 is sticking at zero. The snails and plecos are in heaven. All other parameters were normal yesterday, but I will test tonight when I get home.

Let me just say that you guys have been great. You have made my cycling much easier and healthier for the fish (not to mention my sanity). I am now a regular here thanks to you guys.

Now I need to post a thread in the Getting Started forum on what to populate with!

Thanks again, will post if I have difficulties.
Before you post, think of what kind of tank you want--peaceful community, semi-aggressive, species tank... Once you've thought about that, post and we can help narrow down the choices!
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