New Tank started by a n00b

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Actually here is my stock so far..

I think its a 4 strip damsel...



The Domino just stays in hiding rigtht now and only comes out of the rocks when i feed them. The YT and the Striped Damsels "Explore" the tank. They found routes through the rocks I didnt even realize fish could get through. The YT likes to sit inside that Bowl Looking rock I have in there next to the gargoyle. Pretty cool to watch!
Cool, you may have troubles in the future when adding other fish. You'll have to get other agressive or larger fish. What future plans do you have?
Well, My next goal is to get some different lights. After I get new lights I am betting I will want to get some EASY corals. From what I have gathered most corals need an established tank and are not to happy about smaller tanks because of the magnitude of water quality deviations. I would really like to have a Coral Beauty at some point but they pick at Corals from what I have read. I was also hoping to get some of the charactors from NEMO but I dont think thats going to be possible with this small of a tank.. (PLus I have the damsels in there now) The chart on Live Aquaria says Clowns are Compatible with Damsels but from what I have heard Damsels are pretty mean little buggers! The clown would be my 1st pick tho. (Just cause the kids would LOVE it)
Clowns are damselfish as well. I had a Yellow Stripe Maroon in with 5 damsels and they never bothered him (but they are the more agressive of the clowns and should be housed in at least a 30G tank).
Sweetness - Maybe I will try to add a clown after a while then. That would be the end of my stocking as 4 fish would probably be PLENTY of bioload for my tank...
I am going to take the AirStones out. Exactly like you guys suggested they are becoming an issue. I will add another PH at some point but for right now my water flow is 320GPH plus whatever the Skimmer moves... Should I move my PH to the top of the tank? I have the HOB AC50 thats moving water and breaking the surface? I was thinking that PH in the middle of the tank and the HOB for moving water @ the surface..
The HOB probably is doing a good enough job for a stable pH, (testing will deny or confirm this). You polace ment sounds good. Watch for dead spots and you can always mor your phs. I have 3 in my 55.
Well - everything in the tank seams to be doing really well. The Domino Damsel has started to explore the tank more and more. Maybe he just had to warm up to his new home. I have to make a short trip out of town so they will be missing 1 evening feeding and 2 morning feedings. Hopefully they do not starve during this time.. Wish I had an auto feeder for the weekend. grrrr
I feed every other day, they should be fine. I have seen mine eat algae off of the glass.

I came home around 3pm today and everything is still strong but I cant find the Domino. I fed them and only the YT ate. I really really hope he shows up soon...
Hey guys I need some help. After my weekend trip I came home and didnt see the domino damsel anywhere in the tank. The YT was swiming around like he normally does and the 3 stripe damsel was kinda hanging out in the LR. I fed them a little flake and normally they would ALL come out to eat but only the YT ate it. Then the next morning I fed them a little frozen mysis shrimp and again only the YT ate it. Then last night I did a 25% water change and moved the LR around trying to find the Domino and its nowhere to be found. Now the YT is still doing fine and all my snails and crabs are doing well but the Domino is still gone and the 3Stripe Damsel is not eating. Is there anything I can do to encourage the little guy to eat? Its not like the YT is picking on him or anything cause the YT will swim over by him and pass him up like he isnt even there. The 3Stripe doesnt seam to care about the YT either.

Anyhelp would be appreciated. I really dont want anything to die
I havent found the Domino on the floor anywhere or in the tank compartments. I have NO idea what happened to him. I will go pick up some garlic guard and try that...

/me so sad the domino is gone...

Did a 25% water change on 5/14/07

Test as of 10pm 5/15/07

Temp = 78
SG = 1.0215
PH = 8.3
NH3 = 0
No2 = 0
No3 = 5~10 I cant tell but its between the 5 and the 10

Tonight the 3stripe has come out of the rocks and started to venture around the bottom of the tank. He is sticking close to the sand and looks like he is moving his fins alot. I hope he isnt stressed or something... The YT appears to be sleeping inside the LR. He's just kinda chillen in there. (The lights have been off for the past 2 hours so maybe this is just how they act after lights out?) Is there something else I should be testing for in the tank that would stress my fish out? This is bumming me out. Glad I listened to my wife and started out with less expensive fish...
Is there a possibility you have a predator in the tank? Are there any remains in the tank? You have a hood on your tank and your pH is at 8.3?
Can you measure your temp and pH in the morning and at night? I am wondering if you are getting a swing that might be too much for them to tolerate.
There are no remains of the domino anywhere. I found the 3-stripe and removed him from the tank. After looking him over I found a nice little chunk out of the top of his head. I took advantage of having the rock all apart so I scooped out the emerald crab and took him back to the petstore. (They floated the bag to acclimate him back to their tank).

So at this point i have lost the Domino, a 3-stripe, and have removed the emerald because I am betting my tank doesnt have enough algea to keep it filled up enough to not attack my fishes.

From what i have read and what you guys have suggested about emerald crabs this is more than likely the COD for my poor fishes... (Lessons Learned ehh?)


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Do you think its safe to add another fish since I have removed the emerald crab? I would hate to introduce another animal to a bad inveronment. I dont know what else to look for tho. The snails are doing great. The hermit crabs get around the tank just fine. The YT is doing fine. I dont know what else to look for... :(

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