New tank stocking plan

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 20, 2012
Planning on setting up a 125 gallon in the coming weeks. Here is my stocking plan - please make suggestions. Feel free to add or remove.

Your suggestions are very much appreciated...

Tilapia Buttikoferi
Jack Dempsey
Texas Cichlid
Green Terror
Sun Catfish

(I have these in a 20 gallon right now)

Additions will be:

Pair of pink convicts
Red Devil

I am also considering 2 Oscars, but I know at that point that I am pushing it.

Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions?
That is way way way to many large sa cichlids you will have a lot of aggression issues with that when they mature imo...pick your favorite large cichlid first then work around that fish
I'm actually looking to stock initially with the weakest to the strongest. I think the tank can handle the load minus the oscars.
The tank might be able to handle the load which even doubt with that list but that doesn't change the fact that these are almost all large aggressive fish that are territorial
Funny thing is those first 5 are residing a 20 gallon and actually getting along better than expected.
Because they are juveniles. Do you know the mature size of all the fish in your planned stock list?
Yes. What suggestions do you have as far as stocking?
Personally i would do either a pair of oscars or jacks with a cat and school of silverdollars maybe even go with an arowana and id consider that a pretty heavily stocked tank.. when dealing with large cichlids you lose a lot of room Bioload wise and territory once they are adults
The green terrors you could work a lil more with since they are in the medium size range but are pretty aggressive so that must be kept in mind when finding tankmates
Very interesting selection, but I don't know about the silver dollars. The green terror in my son's 20 gallon is actually the least aggressive fish in the tank. The Dempsey being the most aggressive...

PS - I have always wanted an arrowana, but have heard they are quite difficult to keep alive.
The silver dollars I selected because they are a good schooling fish to keep with large cichlids which will make quick work of smaller schools lol
mikeISright said:
Do green terrors and an ornate bichir or two and consider yourself stocked with an awesome tank.

That would be a nice tank. That's a plus for the green terrors. On top of the beautiful contrast of colors they can be kept in groups
mikeISright said:
Why not try a GT a JD and an Oscar? And the an ornate bichir or two?

That may work but there could be problems between the jack and Oscar it would be a lil hit and miss
Mrc8858 said:
That may work but there could be problems between the jack and Oscar it would be a lil hit and miss

Yeah it would be completely hit or miss haha. But it would be fun to try. You could also try some severums and an oscar, again with an ornate bichir or two.
I'm guessing you have or want an ornate birchir lol :)
Don't have or want a ornate bichir. LOL !!! Considering all ideas though. Definitely looking to have a few monsters with some smaller fish that can handle themselves. Thinking the pair of Oscars with a few other no-so-big fish in there might do the trick.
No i dont have one :( i don have a big enough tank yet to house one. But i do habe two senegals and they are my favorite fish ive ever kept. And trust me get an ornate bichir. They look and are (as far as ive heard) wonderful to keep
Guess I will be googling up that one. Lol!! Thanks.
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