New to Aquarium set up

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 20, 2013
Murray Ky
Hey everyone
I just got my 20 gal Tall freshwater tank set up and needing all the advise I can get, Ive had a tank before but when I was really young. I know nothing but really wanna learn. From cycling to testing etc,
Let me start off by telling everyone how my tank set up. First the tank is housed in a 1957 Zeneth TV set (alotta work involved ) but the finished product looks awsome!! I wanna use sand for my media ( I bought Pool filter sand ) and wanna go with tropical, If anyone would help me get started and direct me in the right way to set it up would be so much appreciated :thanks:
Ok are you planning on using live plants...and be sure to rinse out the sand really well...of course I'm sure you knew that lolol...and as for fish you could do some tetras a dwarf gourami maybe some Corrys of some sort or maybe a Bolivian ram just a few suggestions...and of course you could do danios instead of tetras if you wanted...and I guess if you wanted you could go the guppy or platy route but I'm not a personal fan of them but you just name some fish you like and post them here and we will try to help as best as we can...also you said it was one of those tv tanks??? That's cool would love to see some pics
Thinking tetras ? like the Idea of schooling fish, And yes I will wash sand out good, what about planted ? Im not home alot and would like to know more about low light low to no co2 plants ???? Also new to cycling ? what are the do's and dont's. As I said Im NEW
The cover for tank Im having to make special because I have only 2.5 inches to play with once top of TV cabinet is closed and have a 18 inch florescent light, Im using two power filters 10-20 marineland filters. Oh yes Ill send u a pic, Thanks so very much
There are some places on here that talk about cycling however idk where to find that at...but some great plants would be java fern java moss maybe an amazon sword and some crypts which you would need root tabs for which you just put in the sand close to them every couple of months...however some people may say those won't work but IME they should be good...and hopefully some more people will post with some more answers
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