New to hobby, questions about feeding oscar and albino frog

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2006
I recently started my first freshwater aquarium with a black and orange striped male oscar and an albino frog of unknown gender and species with black claws on his back feet. The oscar measures about 3" long and the frog is about 2" long. So far they've been great tank mates. I purchased some tetra brand tropical fish food to start them out because I really didn't know what else to feed them. I was told by the LFS people that they were both carniverous and would eat about the same things, so I've been tossing them some freeze-dried bloodworms and an occasional grub out of the garden (I wash them off before tossing them in the tank).

I've seen products especially for oscars (cichlid gold) and products for aquatic frogs (Reptomin). The oscar seems to be the dominate feeder since the frog usually just lurks around hiding in things at the bottom of the tank and gobbles up whatever floats to the bottom. If I bought the reptomin food for the frog, wouldn't the oscar just eat it up? If so, would it hurt him? I'm getting a 30 gallon tank within the next few weeks because I've noticed the oscar is growing pretty quickly and would probably like more room to swim. So I guess my question is should I split up this aquatic Odd Couple when I get the new tank?
Hi Donn, Welcome to AA!

First off, perhaps your LFS didn't tell you this, but when you upgrade tanks I would upgrade to atleast a 55 gallon tank. Oscars can and will reach 14 inches long or so. If you do not wish to upgrade to something that large I would take the oscar back and get something that won't grow as large. You can make an awesome 30 gallon community tank with more than one fish.

The albino frog can get quite large as well. I don't really know thatmuch about them, but as long as it stays larger than the mouth of the oscar they should be fine tankmates.

As for food, one of the problems with oscars also is that they need a varying diet so as to prevent a disease called Hole in the Head. Regular staple foods as well as frozen, freeze dried, and live are a good variety. If he munched some reptomin it would be fine. Reptomin floats however, so I would soak it in water before you put it in the tank so it will sink quickly.

i think that the oscar should be in at least 75 gallons. they're big fish when fully grown, and make lots of waste. the extra 20 gallons would give you a little more room for the fish, and for water quality stability.
Re: New to hobby, questions about feeding oscar and albino f

DonnBallenger said:
I recently started my first freshwater aquarium with a black and orange striped male oscar and an albino frog of unknown gender and species with black claws on his back feet.
African Clawed frog, will get to about 5-8 inches with legs extended depending on sex. Female is larger. Female also have a short stubby tail, this may or may-not be easy to see when they are small. I got mine when she was already full grown. they will eat just about anything. i feed mine: Turtle pellets (i have a red-eared slider too) fish food, freeze dried krill, feeder goldfish, meal worms, earthworms...
Thanks for the quick replies!

I've been eyeballing the 55g setup they sell for $150 at wal-mart, but I really dont have the money or space to upgrade to a 55gal right now. I'm purchasing the 30g (its a tall one) from a friend for $20 with a heater and an over-the-side filter system.

How fast will my oscar grow? Will the 30g be okay for about six months until I can afford a 55g? I'm really attached to this fish (he eats out of my fingers!) so I don't want to take him back, but at the same time, if he's going to outgrow my aquarium before I can buy him a new one, that would be kinda unfair to him.


JDogg said:
African Clawed frog, will get to about 5-8 inches with legs extended depending on sex. Female is larger. Female also have a short stubby tail, this may or may-not be easy to see when they are small. I got mine when she was already full grown. they will eat just about anything. i feed mine: Turtle pellets (i have a red-eared slider too) fish food, freeze dried krill, feeder goldfish, meal worms, earthworms...

I don't see anything that resembles a tail, so he's probably a male. The frog in your picture looks like a super-sized version of mine. He's not quite as social as the oscar, but he sometimes flies around the tank at warp-speed for no special reason and has a knack for re-arranging the decorations to his pleasing. I put some lillypad bulbs and some old seashells in the tank for him to hide in when I first got it, and I've seen him on several occasions pushing them around with his head and digging up the gravel to his liking.
Oscars grow fairly quickly. They get huge and should have a 75g for just one.
What size is the tank they are currently in? If it's under 15 gallons, it'll be even too small for the frog when full grown. The 30 will be fine for the frog. However, ACF's like cool water in the 68-75F range.
Mine have learned to come to the surface to eat reptomin pellets. They also eat shrimp, worms, insects, and fish.
DonnBallenger said:
I don't see anything that resembles a tail, so he's probably a male. The frog in your picture looks like a super-sized version of mine. He's not quite as social as the oscar, but he sometimes flies around the tank at warp-speed for no special reason and has a knack for re-arranging the decorations to his pleasing. I put some lillypad bulbs and some old seashells in the tank for him to hide in when I first got it, and I've seen him on several occasions pushing them around with his head and digging up the gravel to his liking.
yea mine is easily 8 '', she is 3 years old now, she is the only inhabitant of a 10 gal (too small i know, but going to move her to a 20 long over the summer) she float at the surface or sits on the bottom most of the time. She has escaped twice now, she can open the cover, and climb out the back, using the hob filter as a step. found her dried out in the opposite corner of the room both times. I would recommend keeping the water level 3 inch below the top. since i started this she has not escaped. i have never kept her with fish, but she does like to eat small fish, big ones that they can not eat might be ok.
I have read that in some states it is illegal to keep them because they have established wild populations that can decimate fish populations. (mostly in the southern US, i.e. florida, arizona, california) if you got it at a lfs it must be ok to keep in your state. mine also like to suck on fingers!
That Oscar should be okay in a 30gal for a little while... once he clears 6" or 7" you'll need to get at least a 55gal, although a 75gal would be preferable since you have a froggie too! For now, I'd get the biggest, meanest filter you can find! When I had my Oscar I had him in a 45gal tank (I couldn't afford to upgrade my tank when he hit 9" so I had to give him away! *sniff*), and a Penguin 170 biowheel filter was just barely able to keep up with the mess. Oscars are dirty! I'd recommend a Penguin 330 biowheel filter, personally!
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