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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 28, 2012
Kent, Oh
I have a 60gal filled ad just put in my salt. I'm waiting for all that to mix.

Thinking about using live sand when I know the specific gravity is right. On top of using live sand, has anyone used live bacteria to put fish in right away like on tanked?

Also I'm running a FX5 on my 60gal. Do I need a protein skimmer? Im not using a sump either.

Thank you for the responses.
Won't be on till after practice .
Go KSU Golden Flashes!!
Don't put fish in right away. I'm sure they have had lots of die off using shortcuts once the cameras are off. I've heard mixed results about live sand and most say it's not worth the extra money. Use regular sand and seed it with a cup of sand from another tank (perhaps trade a cup with your LFS). I would only use the instant cycle to help start a regular cycle, that's it.
Everyone always says "nothing good ever comes fast in a saltwater aquarium"
I bought some sand I might mi it with some crush coral.

Could I add the cichlid mix from caribsea ?

It's just crush shell
From what I've read and have been told crushed coral will give you nitrate issues. I was going to use the crushed coral too but after finding out about this I decided against it in my saltwater tank m
I use Smart Start to kick start the cycling process. The stuff is amazing!!! I used it for all my tanks and never had an issue. I always do the same process: ex. A 55 gallon tank: I buy the proper amount of live sand, I get one container of the ocean water ( the one in a box), a little bit of base rock( cleaned properly) some live rock( not too much), I too the rest off with salt water already mixed from my LFS, and I dump a bottle of Smart Start. Before adding fish, I wait for the water to clear from the substrate. And I make sure the proper media is in my filter, along with some Chemi Pure. And I get the water tested a week or two later, and Voila!!!! and I have never lost a fish due to bad parameters.
Just remember, make a list of the fish you want, let us review it. Keep in mind: your substrate will limit your choice of fish. The more coarse substrate, is not ideal for bottom dwellers like; gobies, dragonets, and blennies.
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