Newbie Biocube 8 gal - problems...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 24, 2011
I just converted my Biocube from freshwater to salt. Saturday, I added water from my LFS along with 4 lbs of live rock, live sand and cranked it up. Running a Koralia 250gph for circulation. I cut the tab between the first and second chamber, added biomedia on top of maybe 6 bioballs. New pump, new fans and new bulbs.
Sunday afternoon, I went to the LFS with a sample to test. 1.023, nitrates and nitrites were almost zero, ammonia was safe but ph was a tad high. He suggested adding Seachem buffer. I added per the instructions, maybe 4 small measuring spoons mixed in tank water and poured in.
Tonight, I was hoping form sucess, but now my ph is 8.4 and my nitrites and nitrates are high. Ammonia is ok.
I did a water change of 2 gallons and will retest tomorrow night.

What gives? Am i doing anything wrong here?

Nothin, they're gonna fluctuate as your tank cycles. Just wait a few weeks till it cycles completely.. Throw a piece of raw shrimp in there.
Ok, tank's cycled. I have a few hermits, turbo snails and a domino damsel.

I picked up a few corals yesterday and epoxied them in place. A couple of frogspawn and a few acans.

What supplements do I need to add to the water?


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You don't need to add any , if your tank is fully over stocked then u would need to but if u only have a few corals it's not going be enough to deplete the Elements already in the saltwater !
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