newbie lighting question, 10G

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 7, 2003
Hi, i have a 10g tank that i have just stared. I had about 6 plants in there, but 3 of them died off early, and the other 3 are doing alright, but not great. I think I do not have enough lighting, but I don't understand how to get more lighting.. heh, kinda dumb eh?
i have a 18" 15W bulb right now, and that's all i have been able to find. it seems like all the fish stores i goto (online and LFS) all have standard 18" 15W floresent lights... i'm baffeled!
i think i need to increase the lighting in my tank, is that right? if so, how?!
THanks a lot!
hello fellow Michigander

I'm not sure what online pet store's you've visited, but almost any of the larger stores carry better lighting

If you're in the Oakland County area, Aqua Nest in Bloomfield (up near the GM plant) has a good selection of lighting.

You probably want to keep a tight budget, so regular fluorescent or compact fluorescent are two options.

Due to the very small size of a 10 gallon, there will be very few pre-fab options available for you, most of them start at 24" for the 15+ gallon tanks.

You can retrofit your existing light to use compact fluorescent easily, and there is a lot of good information on that subject contained on this website, as well as google.

One option is to buy one of those (inexpensive) hoods that takes two incandescent bulbs, and use a pair of the screw-in compact fluorescent bulbs instead. This will get you a lot of light ... use two 11 or 13 watt bulbs, and you'll be all set

If you have a bit larger budget, you can get something like the AH Supply 36 watt BrightKit ... but it will cost you over $60 for the kit and a bulb

check out these sites
Yeah, you only have 1.5 watts per gallon right now so only low light plants will grow well (like Java Fern and Java Moss). You can also try looking at a Home Depot or garden shop and see if they have higher output flourescents that would fit. They often do.
here's another idea that's worked for me, when I was rebuilding my larger tank.

two 10 gallons, spaced about 8" apart sitting side by side ... then just lay a twin tube shop light (~$10 at home improvement stores) across the tops of the two tanks (I actually hung mine about 12" above the tanks, but whatever is easiest for you)

add a 2-pack of phillips daylight bulbs (~$6) and for under twenty you've got plenty of light
ok, thanks a lot guys :D
i will look into these things =)
i visited pet provisions and pet supplies plus, as well as that hartland fish store. None had 18" floresent lights over 15W! I will try the suggestions, thanks!
Check out the 13w PC retro kits at AH Supply also. You might be able to use two of them side by side over the 10. I can't remember how long the bulbs are.

that ballast they're selling with the 13 watt kit looks a lot like a 15,18,20 watt inductor that you find in a lot of your under-cabinet type lights ... think it's the same thing?

I've got a whole mess of those (at least 4) laying around - didn't know they could drive PC bulbs - hrmm - new ideas in mind now!
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