Newbie with a starter tank!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2011
Hi, after not having a tropical aquarium for the last 4 years, my hubby bought me a flu al edge 6g I was advised badly in the store and put way too many fish in the tank to start with, and they were guppies (gal told me they were hardy fish) anyway, I have but 1 lonely guppie left as we just went thru athe cycle (I must have been lucky with my old tank as I knew nothing about this but had no probs). I also have a clean up crew, 4 ghost shrimp, 2 mystery snails and the 1 guppy. It has some small live plants. I am about 6 weeks in and the water appears to have stabalised over the last 2 weeks, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates are all gone. I want to leave things to settle down a while, but now that everything is healthy and the clean up crew is hungry, should I think about some small fish such as tetras or will that be too much for the tank with all the shrimp and snails? Not sure what effect they have on the water as they make waste too.. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated, I have been recurring to this site since every thing started to cycle and his has been a great resource. Thanks a lot for any comments or suggestions!
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