Newcomer, advice appreciated

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 31, 2006
South Florida
Hello guys, i am 100% new to salt water coming from a small fresh water... Well i have a 29gal tank, this is what i got:

Bio-Wheel big enough for a 50gal
Power Head 200gph
9W Internal UV Sterilizer with Power Head
Tetra Whisper Air Pump to run some airstones

Do i need a protein skimmer right away ????

I also wanted to get 20lbs of live rock, i also have alot of dead Coral heads...Plus i wanted about 20lbs of live sand...

My local pet store sells saltwater for about $.50 a gallon, i was thinking about doing that instead of my own.

Regarding Fish, i don't care for that right now, i want to make sure the Tank cycles good first.


PS. Will be a fish only tank!
FloridaNewbie said:
Hello guys, i am 100% new to salt water coming from a small fresh water... Well i have a 29gal tank, this is what i got:

Bio-Wheel big enough for a 50gal
Power Head 200gph
9W Internal UV Sterilizer with Power Head
Tetra Whisper Air Pump to run some airstones

Do i need a protein skimmer right away ????

I also wanted to get 20lbs of live rock, i also have alot of dead Coral heads...Plus i wanted about 20lbs of live sand...

My local pet store sells saltwater for about $.50 a gallon, i was thinking about doing that instead of my own.

Regarding Fish, i don't care for that right now, i want to make sure the Tank cycles good first.


PS. Will be a fish only tank!

Keep the HOB filter loose the bio wheel nitrAte factory . Power head you may wish to up that to 2 minijets 606 or 404 for circulation . Make sure that the PH you have is rated for salt water use ..
UV not real well versed on them but I think you can use it for salt .
Loose the air stones they cause alot of salt creep and some fish it can cause their swim bladder problems , and can get under the skin , this is primairly for seahorses tho ..
Skimmers are of help but you do not need one right away most of that can be taken care of in small systems with low bio load with weekly PWC .
As for the salt water that is up to you whether you mix your own or buy... As for the LR and LS you may wish to get a bit more closer to 30 LBS as this will also act as a biological filter . You can throw in a piece of table shrimp to kick start the cycle . It should look sort of like this
Ammonia rise fall 0
NitrIte rise fall 0
NitrAte rise fall you want to keep under 20
Ph 8.0 - 8.4
SPG 1.024 -1.026

Please do not cycle with live animals.

Sadielynn gave some great advice. I would toss the airstone, the UV can be used with SW. I think you will find premixing your own SW is better, you will be able to regulate the salinity, temp and pH. I mix mine for at least 24 hours. I paid $31.00 for 160Lbs of salt. I believe it is a good idea to premix my own, in case of a problem and the LFS is closed.
As for the LR, you should shoot for 1.5-2Lbs per gallon for proper filtration. I would suggest mixing base rock (dead, will become live) with some LR. I have hear good things about this place for base rocks and am planning on ordering 150Lbs from him, in the next few weeks.
As for the sand, I would buy the dry stuff. I like to order from:
They don't charge by weight and have just about everything you will need.
So much good advice. I have nothing new to add. I definitely agree with getting rid of the airstones.
Thanks for the Advice guys, what is the best type of filtration recommended for a sw tank ?? because i got all the stuff, but i haven't open the filter yet, so i can return it! Also the 9w Uv comes witha powerhead 130ghp, plus my aditional i need more ?

I was looking at skimmers, and come across this, what do you guys think ?? is it a little cheap?

Thanks for the Welcome, and don't worry, i read enought to know about not using live animals.... raw shrimp will be my Lab rat!!

you can certianly use the HOB filter just be sure to maintain it weekly so you dont have any build ups of organic wastes. I use the penguin on mine
I love it but it does need weekly care... just lose the biowheels ...I would shoot for 10-20x turn over of water as this helps prevent dead spots and algea issues in the long run . I have no experience on the skimmer but have heard good things of the berlin...But as I said no personal experience of it ....
I also have no experience with skimmers, but have read good stuff on the Berlins.
I have no experience with that type skimmer but if you can get 1 1/2 - 2 lbs per gallon of LR and a skimmer that would be enough biological filtration. That`s all I had for the first several yrs before I got this 125 and all I added to that was a refugium. And by the way. Where are my manners. Welcome to AA
thank you so much guys, i was reading a couple of books, and i got the Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies book...i also have a Penguim Sadielynn, but its the 200 model because i have a smaller tank... i looked around and that skimmer sounds good, so i will by it just to be safe. i also forgot to add that i have a Heater too, LOL. Anyways i am going to start my cycling next week...

The guy at my lfs told me that the saltwater they sell is actually fresh from the ocean( i live by the beach in FLorida) he says a boat brings it from about 5 miles off the coast everyday, so if i used that saltwater with the cured rocks they have($1.99lb) my cycling should be quick! so i may do that and save the actual salt for my weekly water changes.

whats better, crush coral or just regular sand? maybe a mix ?? the guy said it was up to me, but he recommends sand.

thanks again guys, and i'll put up pics as soon as my set up is done
FloridaNewbie said:
whats better, crush coral or just regular sand? maybe a mix ?? the guy said it was up to me, but he recommends sand.

I would do all sand. You dont want to mix because the sand will make it`s way to the botton and just CC will be on top. CC is not as good because it will trap fish waste and other stuff and will have alot of nitrates in your tank IMO
That is nutri sea water invest in a refracometer I used it for a bit and found that it was high in spg like 1.030 or some such off the wall number . This is the refracometer we use it is an indisposeable tool and one of the first things a new reefer should invest in .. LINK

...i also have a Penguim Sadielynn, but its the 200 model because i have a smaller tank...
bet not mine is on a 10 gallon LOL :lol:
I'll tell you from my experience. I had a CC/Sand substrate....what a pain to keep clean. Like mel said, the sand ends up under the CC. CC will also limit your clean up crew and sand sifting critters.
Well thanks for the awsome advice guys, i did buy that skimmer( it had some great reviews) so i am going to give it a try. Also i wanted to know if i should get just Regular White Sand or Aragonite Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand. what would you guys recommend ?? I can't wait to get the rest of my supplies so i can get this cycling going and hopefully by Christmans i can have a Percula pair in there !!!!

Thanks again guys

PS. i was going over some fishes today, and my wish list would be:
Percula pair (2)
Watchman Goby with a shrimp buddy
and a small clean up crew, about 5-8 snails and about 2 hermits..

Is this too much for 29gal ??
Sounds like a reasonable stocking list with the exception of the fire fish and watchman goby as they are shaped the same and there may be some problems there . If you go with the fire fish be sure to use a top , such as egg crate (light diffuser pannel can be found at any home improvement store , Lowes, Home depot for around 15 buck)This keeps the top open allowes for gas exchanges but keeps jumping fish in such as the fire fish , tho all fish can / will jump if spooked. Also one final note that you probably already know but just a friendly reminder add your fish sloooooowly add 1 wait a week do a water change allow the bioligical bacteria to catch up . Also watch your clowns when you get them I had one bully 2 others to their death I did finally get to pair him/her with one , and get a clown that is substantially smaller than the established one . This will also help in pairing em up ;)
Sand will be your preference. I like color, others like the beautiful white, clean sand. Whatever you choose, make sure it is aragonite sand and not silica based. Silica based can be used, but it is more like tiny glass shards....
Sadielynn, i was reading about the Firefish, and i think i may pass on it, even though my tank will be covered, it says that its slow/passive fish and easily bullied. So i'll leave it out for now...i think i will got with a mix of just straight White aragonite sand and 10lbs of aragonite Live sand. i see lots of websites posted here where they sell fish, is it recommended to buy Fish online ? or if i can get it at my lfs, i should do it that way?

I wouldn't worry too much about the live sand, if you are looking to save money. Buying fish online is great, for the selection and price. I have not bought any fish online, yet, I like to see the fish, in person. I have bought snails, online, and have no complaints. I my LFS will order anything, if I ask. Once I get my new tank and QT set up I will buy online. If you can get fish at your LFS, you can put down a deposit and visit a few time to make sure the fish is healthy. Most reputable online stores, should have an "arrive alive" and 15 day guarantee.
FloridaNewbie said:
Regarding Fish, i don't care for that right now, i want to make sure the Tank cycles good first.

Are you being lazy again? LOL!
Probably. :roll: I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK!!!

I did read again thru the posts and didn't see anything about when they are starting or how they plan too. Either lazy or just can't read too well. :wink:
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