Newly purchased Speckled Catfish (several occurences)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 3, 2013
Dear all,

I have had the Cold water Speckled Catfish and have even bred them in the past. All had been fine. They eventually died out and have replaced them once before and this time (today). The last replacement of the catfish, lasted a few weeks as they were unable to stay on the bottom. This is about a 20ga tank, with plants, aeration and a good filter. The other fish in the tank, leopard danios and white clouds have had no problems. It appears they can't release air from their swim bladder. They were fine in the bag from the aquarium shop. Now I have just purchased three more and within 10 minutes, they too, all three of them can not stay on the bottom, they float upwards. They are healthy and swim well.

I will change the water as I haven't done so in awhile but all other fish have lasted 6 months or more.

Any other thoughts. This is the only species within the past 6 months I have had difficulty in keeping alive.

Thank you.

Speckled Catfish

Hi. Thank you for your reply. No I haven't in the past and felt there was little need as this has never occurred before. Anything in particular I should look for? I can pick up a testing kit if they carry them at the local aquariums.

Thanks again.

Different pH than what they were used to but probably high Ammonia, Nitrites or Nitrates. It is odd. Do you rinse your filter media in tap water, or have you changed the pad recently?
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