What I personally did with my tanks was that when the trate was spiking after the initial cycle I just let it sit, there's nothing in there so nothing should really die (fish-wise).
Now if this is not a newly cycled tank than I recommend the water changes, also I slight usage of Nite out or Prime by sea chem, this will help lower the trates immediately if you have fish in, but also wont damage anything else or eat your bacteria colonies. My problems in my SW started when I had a basic penguin emperor HOB filter, so my older set up had a Fluval 305, so what I did was I got the Fluval canister with the nitrate lowering media, and also dumped in a skimmer since then I haven't had any trate problems and that has been about 1yr.
If you really want there's a faster method but I would only recommend if you are good with measurements and or big time chemist this is the vodka method I used it once but it was on a 300g tank and not my own, but trates where about 40-50 so really high and we used .003 vodka per gallon, I've heard it works with smaller tanks but haven't used it myself but we did see immediate results since the vodka attracts the trates and then the skimmer skims it out.