no fish.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 21, 2002
I know it is late but I am in my fish room and a thought surfaced in my weird brain.What was life like with no fish in your home?What about no pets at all?Do you remember?Imagine no tanks,no birds, no dogs,no nothing!How do folks get by without them?I don't know.In the serenity of this room,the sounds of water,the ocasional splash of a tail fin,the soft light,....We are so fortunate.I can't imagine.
What was life like with no fish in your home?What about no pets at all?Do you remember?

Been there before... Had a home full of pets then boom a ugly divorce changed lifestyle immediately. :( What I missed the most, my umbrella cockatoo.

Now remarried to another pet lover who understands. Currently have 3 tanks, 2 in use, 1 not.
No pets?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Always had pets of one sort or another my entire life. Only time with no pets was a 6 week work stint in London. I had fun, great experience, but i missed my pets just as much as i missed my wife! (Good thing she has no interest in this board, heheheheheheeee).

No pets would be horrible!!!!
I went a month or two in a college apartment without a cat then I broke down and paid the $300 deposit. It helped that a big rat came waddling down my hall one day--but I really just used that as an excuse so I wouldn't feel bad about the money. :p
What a dismal existence without pets! When I moved to an apartment by myself I couldn't stand talking to myself - so I went out and adopted a rabbit, then another, then another, and then another. I like them because they actually respond to my voice (they haven't talked to me yet, but they know some commands). Fish, on the other hand, I've found aren't very talkative either. I enjoy my children, err "pets", immensely and couldn't imagine living without them!
(they haven't talked to me yet, but they know some commands).
Hmmmm.... My animals talk to me all the time, but the only thing they ever say is "can I have something to eat" or "whatcha eatin? can I have a bite?" They never care if the Cardinals won or not. :lol:
My animals talk to me all the time

Mine too-- Cats, " Clean the litter box" "Gimme some catnip" (druggie cats), "wake up it's 3am, time to play".

Fish, " FEED ME" , "Clean the tank, you lazy slob" "hey you missed a spot on the glass over here". :lol:
my cat talks to me all the time. but, she is an absolute psycho. i think i must have screwed her up in the head when she was a kitten or something. she is just freaky. her name is Frisky. i was little when i got her so i didnt mean "that" kind of frisky, i meant she went zooming up and down stairs and from room to room about 90 miles an hour bunching up the rugs and stuff. she is getting sorta old and fat but it hasnt slowed her down much. i know when i was in the hospital for the last month and a half of my pregnancy i missed my cat like crazy.
my first two years of college i was not allowed to have pets and i think it was the worst two years ever. i missed my dogs and my fish
I am alergic to almost every living creature on the planted, that is why my dog is a schnauzer vs. a Mastiff which is what I was DYING for. (Kevin, your dog is wicked cool) So fish are somewhat a dead end. I cannot move on. I am hoping to grow out of my allergies and get a bird, most likely a cockatoo
I also have a cockatiel.Messy,loud, annoying,Untill company comes over!Then he suddenly remembers all his cute little songs and warbles and is absolutely charming, especially with the ladies!Arrggg! :D
corvuscorax said:
My animals talk to me all the time

Cats, " Clean the litter box" "Gimme some catnip" (druggie cats), "wake up it's 3am, time to play".

Fish, " FEED ME" , "Clean the tank, you lazy slob" "hey you missed a spot on the glass over here". :lol:
yep, I'd have to agree with you there.
Although add a dog into the equation and you get all that plus:
"um, hi. I need to pee." followed 1/2 hr later with "um, hi. I need to poop." then maybe a little "here's my rope toy. don't you want to tug it away from me now?" and of course there's "why do you have to stare at the waterbox when you could be petting me?" then middle of the night "OMIGOD SOME ONE IS NEAR THE HOUSE AND YOU NEED TO WAKE UP" which always scares the daylights out of me. :D

but boy would I be lonely without them.
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