Not unhealthy per se but odd....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 29, 2005
Havertown, PA
I have a 20 gallon high tank with 65w PC 50/50 bulb on it. I've had this "problem" with my fish since the tanks inception in Feb of this year.

Here's the problem. My tiger barbs and cherry gold checkered barbs stay almost exclusively at the bottom of the tank (this has caused losses of 2 out of 3 of my cory catfish). I cannot imagine this is a health issue but can anyone help me out?

I have an Aquaclear 50 HOB filter (which is a bit overkill for this tank size) and I have it running on the left hand side (in hindsight would have preferred to have it dead center in the tank). I have a powerhead which I run infrequently so this is a non factor.

I was under the impression that my barbs are midlevel fish, but NO one, except during feedings, comes even 1/2 way up the tank unless being chased.

What am I doing wrong?

You are not doing anything wrong, lol. All my tiger barbs hang out at the bottom except when feeding. They may come to mid level or upper level now and then, but are mostly bottom dwellers.
sounds like my tank... the main species are tetras and they only time they cross the half way of my tank is for food, everything i've put in that tank stays in the lower end(my oto and gae hardly wander to the glass above half) my only real upper "fish" are the snails and my eel at night as he roams all over(who would guess an eel spends more time up top than a tetra)
Well, there is a 4th dimension to this. My loaches, sharks, and barbs hang out in the lower tank. Nothing in the mid to upper tank. And my eels in the Emperor 400 filter boxes, lol. Now who said there was only a lower, mid, and upper tank level? LOL
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