Not your everyday BBA

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2005
Iowa USA
I've been dealing with BBA in my 2.5 gallon tank for awhile now and just a couple days ago it decided to turn some really bright colors instead of staying the normal shades of black/brown/green. Perhaps it's trying to talk me out of irradicating it. Thought you might find these pics interesting.


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That's strange looking stuff. I to am having lovley BBA in my ten, it's all over everything except the HC, which seems imune to it. First real bad algea I've had besides green water. I think I waited to long to dose. Blacked it out for 3 days, very little effect. Cutting back on lights and cranking the CO2! Good luck getting rid of yours!
i had BBA once when i first started planting but i bought a siamese algea eater and it went bye bye. since then not a speck of it anywhere. i guess i am lucky.
My BBA (normally dark colored), turns red after I dipped the stuff in salt water. -in an attempt to kill it...
what else can you do to kill it? How can you prevent it? I have co2, medium-high light, dose csm+b and potassium nitrate when needed to keep at 20ppms. What else can you do? I clearly cant get an algea piranha will eat my algea eater
Basically keep your CO2 above 30ppm, the steadier the better, and don't let any nutrients bottom out. This should prevent the majority of algaes from getting a foothold.
I have this on my java fern and it laughed at my 3day blackout attempt. If the fern wasn't so well attached to my terra cotta pot I would remove it and bleach the little $#@$@#. I swear its killing the plant as I havn't seen any new leaves from this particular java in a long time.
Well, after about three days of being brightly colored the BBA is back to normal. There does appear to be less of it, so I may finally be getting the upper hand. Time to keep my fingers crossed and wait and see.
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