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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 5, 2010
As many of you may know, one of my Mollies gave birth in the middle of the night about a week ago. Of course the majority were eaten, but I was able to save 4 of them and place them into a separate 1 gallon tank (I just transferred the same water over so no shock)...
Well, they all seem to be doing fine, but as I was watching my adult fish in the big tank, I saw a spare baby swimming around. I freaked out and grabbed him quickly and put him in the 1 gallon with the other babies (so he wouldnt be eaten of course) and noticed something....
He's a completely different color. He's more of a clear/pink, whereas the others are a clear/gray. He's also a little bigger than the other 4.
I know they came from the same mother, a silver molly, but could the difference in water affect their coloring? Is a clear/gray for a silver molly better than a clear/pink?
I believe that mollies will show their colors at birth (its either platties or mollies), so a clear/gray would be better than a pinkish color. What other fish do you have in the tank (your my tanks info just says 25g) that could have dropped fry?
No one else was due to drop any fry or was showing any pregnancy at all.. i just thought it was interesting how the only one that was left behind in the 25 gallon tank ended up being pink...the others that I moved the first day were all grayish...
Anyway as for an update on the pink one...she has ich.
Crank the heat up (slowly) to 86*F and keep it there for two weeks after the last sign of ich and you should be good as new! A good gravel vacuum after is always a good thing too.
she's all better and turning to more of a silver now. she's doing great! thanks
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