Oh Boy. Wild Found Driftwood Contamination?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
I found a piece of driftwood in a shallow part of a local lake. It was half buried in the sand. I cleaned the scrubbed the snot out of it and poured to very large pots of boiling water on it. I saw some eggs on it and scrubbed most of them off.

Now 2ish months later I see eggs.... plus a snotty moldy looking stuff.

The snotty stuff I have seen reducing so I think it will go away (although its bugging me because it attacked my anubias) but the eggs concern me. Looks like bug eggs. Should I be worried?

What steps should I take to get rid of the eggs and the snotty stuff?

Thanks and God bless!
The snotty stuff is 100% normal and very very common to find on new driftwood. Some people think that it's a fungus but it also might be a bio film. You can use a turkey baster to suck it off if it bugs you that much although it's harmless. The eggs are likely snail eggs, do you have any nerite snails? They lay small white eggs in the tank and are the normal culprit.
The snotty stuff is 100% normal and very very common to find on new driftwood. Some people think that it's a fungus but it also might be a bio film. You can use a turkey baster to suck it off if it bugs you that much although it's harmless. The eggs are likely snail eggs, do you have any nerite snails? They lay small white eggs in the tank and are the normal culprit.

Thanks! The snotty stuff has been there awhile but has went down. How long does it last?
The eggs are not snail eggs. I have no snails at all (well I have limpets but they arent snails.) They look exactly like the ones that were on it when I found it.
If you boiled the wood it would have killed any snails on the wood without a doubt. Can you post a picture?

On my mopani it took about a month to show up and another month to go away but I removed it quite often
If you boiled the wood it would have killed any snails on the wood without a doubt. Can you post a picture?

On my mopani it took about a month to show up and another month to go away but I removed it quite often

I cant they are tiny. They arent snails. I am almost certain they are bug eggs. I wouldnt think it would hurt anything. I find it odd though.

I am hoping the snot wont last much longer.
The snot does go away after while. Mine took what felt like forever! I wouldn't think anything would have lived through the boiling. But just out of stupid curiosity where do you live. I am asking because if you found the dw in an area that has a lot of forest fires it might be like some of the trees and other plants that aren't able to germinate until a fire has gone through. I am probably just grasping at straws here. But that is all I can come up with. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it to much and I would say just watch it. If you get bugs just get them out asap.
The snot does go away after while. Mine took what felt like forever! I wouldn't think anything would have lived through the boiling. But just out of stupid curiosity where do you live. I am asking because if you found the dw in an area that has a lot of forest fires it might be like some of the trees and other plants that aren't able to germinate until a fire has gone through. I am probably just grasping at straws here. But that is all I can come up with. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it to much and I would say just watch it. If you get bugs just get them out asap.

If I told you that Id have to kill you ;)
We dont have any forest fires and I hope we dont! It is defintely eggs. Ill keep an eye out. If they are bugs I will probably never see them as the eggs are tiny and even if the fish didnt eat them immediatly when tjey got big my leafish would :)
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