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I vote a small group of J. transcriptus. They look way sweet and not as plan as the L. Brevis look. I would love to get some of those J. Transcriptus for myself, yet no open tank space ha.
I have some J. transcriptus and they are great fish. I do however want to get some Brevis. So here I am being no help at all, LOL. If I were going to vote I would vote the brevis because I don't have them,
I got the brevis. 3 females and one male. I'm thinking about adding another male at some point. I'd also like to put a small school of glo-light tetras or whatever they're called. Or some other kind of small schooling fish to occupy the top 16 inches of the tank that the brevis don't swim in.
Why coulden't you get both species? They are both lake Tanganyikan right? I wanna get some Tanganyikan Cichlids but I dont think I'm ready yet. I've been studying how to keep them because I've herd stories about how they can die easy when you do one little thing wrong.