? on ghost shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
How often does a ghost shrimp shed itself? I have just one that I got at christmas time & it has shed at least 3 times already. Could it be growing that much!
It depends on how much it is eating. If there is a lot for it to eat... three times in 3 months isn't that much IMHO. Someone else will be along in a while who probably knows more about them than me!
Shrimp moult for 2 reasons:

Stress, such as changes in water parameters.

Growth. Since the exoskeleton doesn't grow as they get bigger, they have to get rid of it.

I don't think theres a set timing to it, I believe its more out of need.
My amanos all shed every couple of weeks; my crayfish every 3-4 weeks. Nothing wrong with it. :wink:
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