?? on powerhear setup

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
I am interested in learning how others set up powerheads. Especially when you aren't going with undergravel filtration. I have kinda gathered that a number of aquarium owners here do not use undergravel filters. So how do you then use power heads?

Currently I have a 90 gal that is undergravel & 2 powerheads and a 30 gal undergravel that has 1 powerhead in one corner & an airstone in the other corner.

I have an opportunity to get a used 40/50 gal and would like to set it up with a powerhead but not the undergravel filtration. Fish in this tank would probably 4 convict ciclids.

Thanks for any advice
I have a powerhead that I am using attached to a diffuser for CO2, to help get it dispersed into the water, but otherwise they are used purely for water movement. They are simply a water pump that remains submersed and just blasts water, often useful in larger tanks that might have spots with poor water movement. If you have fish that don't mind or like some current (many do) then they are a great idea and will help the filter do its job.
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