Orange finned Botia

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 25, 2003
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
So, I finally caved and got an orange finned botia!!! I put him in with my four clown loaches and tiger barbs. He seems pretty happy, I noticed this morning that there are little holes dug in my substrate, he must have gone snail hunting last night!!! The first thing he did when he arrived was to kick my red tailed black shark out of his hiding tube! Its not like there is not enough hiding places in the tank he must have just liked my sharks better. Anyhow just wondering if anyone here has had any experience with these guys and knows if they will go well with the clown loaches. Right now everyone seems happy.
I'll have pics to follow as soon as I can catch one of him :twisted:
No idea if they get on with clowns, but they're awful pretty! Heh and a little aggressive eh? Poor red tail LOL Looking forward to the pics :)
I thought I had read on one of the various fish profile sites that the orange fin is one of the most aggressive of the loaches capable of killing far larger fish. (I was looking it up because Pet Smart always has a spot for em but they never have any and I was curious to see what their behavior and max size is).
It was aquaria central which listed the botia modesta as being very aggressive but I mistakenly jumbled the actual content (too many fish profiles in too short of a time).

It indicates they are aggressive but if kept in groups of 3 or more they just keep the aggression to themselves. The part about the larger fish is if they are attacked by larger fish they can defend themselves quite well.

Next time I'll have to verify my info before I go typing away.
It sounds like you have a Botia Modesta. I have had an experience that I would like to share.

I saw one of these guys at the LFS one day and it was so beautiful, I had to take it home. Being naive, I thought that it was like a clown but blue. At the time, I had 3 clown loaches. I put the modesta in with them, thinking things would go well.

The first couple of days things went alright. After settling in the modesta turned into a SOB real quick. He was chasing my clowns all over the place and causing havoc.

Upon further research, I found out that these guys are one of the most aggressive of the loaches and they are really mean by themselves.

Another thing is, they don't come out in the day like clowns, they are a nocturnal loach, so you'll never see them in the day.

I took the Modesta back to the LFS. The only way I would keep thes guys is if I had 3 or 4 of them in a tank by themselves.

I hope you have better luck. :)
Well its been a few days now and everyone seems to be getting along fine. Blue boy sleeps duing the day while everyone else plays. When I come home at night and the lights are off I drop in a few shrimp pellets for him while everyone else is sleeping and that seems to be working, he sneaks aroung the tank grabbing the pellets and taking them to his hidding place to chow. My red tail shark has a new hidding spot now so he is not upset anymore. :)
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