Oscar dying?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2010
st. louis
i woke up this morning, and my oscar is just laying on its side, it wasnt doing that last night, nor showed any signs of anything wrong, all of my parameters are good... the only thing i can think of is i fed him a grasshopper last night... is it normal for them to lay on thier side, or should i be worried? =/
I don't think it's normal for any fish to be on their side. :( What exactly are your water params? What size is the tank? How often do you do a pwc (partial water change)?
the tank is 55 gallons, and ive only had the fish in it for 3 days now, i did the cycling and everything, the ammon, nitrate and nitrate are all 0, my ph is a little high, and i havent done any water changes since i put him in, he was fine yesterday, and he was like this when i woke up
and he does swim fine, when i try to touch him, he swims away rather quickly, but then he goes and lays back down on his side for the most part
Can you see anything weird on his body?
And if your tank has gone through the nitrogen cycle, you should have some nitrates.
Do you mean he is completely horizontal or does he just appear to be laying slightly down? That is kind of confusing but I have two oscars in a 125 gallon and they "lay down" all the time especially when sleeping overnight and in the morning. They do this when they are nervous too. I have read online that this is totally normal for oscars (I was afraid at first too). If the fish is truly only 3 days old in the tank, I would give it a couple weeks and let it adjust. As long as it swims fine and eats I wouldn't worry. You'll actually find it amusing after a while when you get used to the fact that your fish is being lazy.
yeah, i read that to tmcgee, but he has been swimming around all the time the past 2 days, and ive had him for a little over a week now. and from what i see ... he is laying on his stomach, on the sand and most of the time, tipped slightly over on the glass, or when hes not by the glass, laying completely over on his side.... its just this is completely different behavior than what hes done the past couple days and thats why im worried
and i tried feeding it earlier, and he didnt move, but i sincerely hope ur right, bout that, him just being lazy
i have an algea eater, and a zebra cichlid in the tank with him , and they are fine
idk, the test kit i got is a strip kind, its all availiable around here, unless i take a a good far drive, and the test strip says the nitrite and nitrate is in the "safe" zone
Well it's possible I guess. It would be bad if you caught the grasshopper outside too, and the area you live in sprays pesticides. :(
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