Overflow pipe and sump

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 14, 2012
Anyone got any diagrams or layout for an overflow pipe into a dump. It's for a four foot tank
Go to YouTube and search DIY fish keepers. I saw a video last night that showed how to make a PVC one that hung on the back and a bunch of videos on how to drill a tank and add a overflow and many others.

Here is a link to the PVC one.
Hi I made my over flow box on my 55 gal. Tank here is what it looks like . Hope it helps out & I made my over flow pipe . Sorry no photo of it but I used 1 1/4 pipe it was has 2 45 and 1 90 for my mag 9.5

I've made the Pvc overflow before, they work fine but can be loud at times. it's just easier to buy a small ehopps. they are dirt cheap and work 100% (from my experience).
I'm all about the DIY, don't get me wrong, I make all my pvc plumbing, diy lighting, diy plants, diy stands, etc...
but some things it's just easier and looks cleaner to buy the product. when I had my pvc overflow it was just a HUGE eyesore. i'm all about the esthetics so I had to get rid of it.
Mine is hidden be hind a wall so you will never see it that end is blacked out . It drops right in to my fuge 4" sock and it hardly make any sound . My mag 9.5 is louder than the over flow
Yep ended up not doing a sump got a bub on the way and thought it would be safer just to go with another canister filter
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