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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 16, 2004
I dropped my PC into my fuge this morning and got a nice little shock.... everything else seems to be ok though....got shocked more from the fixture than the water though.....

Anything I should check on the light before I plug it back in ?????
1. Make sure it is plugged into a GFCI circuit or buy one from HD.
2. Make sure it is completely dry before plugging it back in.
get all the salt off. rinse the exposed conections in distiled water then dry them off. pure water dosn't connect electricity, the salt and impurities do. so make sure to get all that salt off.
So your telling me that if I take 2 perfectly clean jars, fill them with ro/di (as pure as we can get), and split an extension cord and drop it in that I won't get a reading from the water? I always thought that water was water and if you mess with electricity and water your in for a shock 8O
its not that it doesn't conduct electricity at all. but the water molicules ionize at a much slower rate then salt or other impurities will. so pure water is a very very poor conductor while salt water is a very very good one. if you wash the electrodes off with distilled water then dry them off very well to get all the salt off there will be a much smaller chance that there will be a short circuit
Uh it doesnt matter if pure water doesn't condust electricty I still would advise you not to test it out or else there will be one less member on this earth.
the light will work just fine if you make shure all the electrodes are compleatly cleaned off and dry. but to be safe, make shure to plug it into a gfi socket.
Get a few bottles of the purest rubbing alchol and rinse all your connectors in that. When it evaporates you'll be fine...

Works for cell phones as well :)
Pure or deionized water conducts so little current that we use it to cool sensitive electronic equipment at work. Never seen a short once.
Uh it doesnt matter if pure water doesn't condust electricty I still would advise you not to test it out or else there will be one less member on this earth.

I'm not that dumb, I was going to use a meter to measure voltage. :roll:
Alcohol displaces moisture.... pour it over the sensetive components. Use a lot of it and let it flush the water away. Once the Alcohol evaporates your equipment will be nice and dry. Just be sure to use some hand lotion afterward as it will dry your skin badly! :eek: Plus it smells a tad.
it's not just the moisture you want to get rid of. You need to get the salt off or it will corode your electronics and your lights will cease to function permanently. Open them up and clean them thuroughly. then let them dry completely. then plug them into the GFCI you purchased while they were drying :wink: and you should be ok.
Alcohol wont dissipate salt. Alcohol should just be use in addition to rinsing your equipment with regular water. Alcohol only to dry your equipment. There are also alcohol solutions that are designed to be slightly corrosive to help clean rust and grime from connections, evaporate, and leave no trace. You can find this stuff at hardware stores.. just dont get it into ur tank!
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