Part of the tail tore apart?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 18, 2009
New York
I have a shubunkin comet fish that's about 3in...I just noticed that a small part of its tail got torn off, probably around 1cm by 2mm if you picture the empty space in a rectangle :X

It's not bleeding and it's still swimming properly, but would my other fish be nibbling on his tail? I don't have any fish that are over 1/2in bigger than him :X

Edit:Another question, so I thought I'd just put it in here as well.

I got a golden inca snail yesterday(a type of apple snail I'm pretty sure). It was sticking to the tank and moving slowly around the gravel yesterday, but now it's been in its shell lying in the middle of the tank for a few hours now...I did a 20-30% water change with tap water, would it have killed my snail? D:
Goldies get their fins caught on things & little tears are common. Those will grow back. All you need to do is keep the water clean to prevent infection. Optionally you can add a bit of salt (0.1% or so), but I don't think that is really necessary in a small tear.

Apple snails sleep also ... you can't expect your snail to be out of the shell all the time. <As long as the shell is tightly closed, it is not dead. Dead snail will have a loose trapdoor, and smells.> Also, apple snails will hibernate if the temp is too low, and also after laying eggs. Sometimes, you will see an inactive snail for days.
Mm thanks :D

I added 2 small plants(probably about 2 in tall each) I had when I bought my tank 2-3 months ago, I guess that's that caused it D:
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