Pea Puffer Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
So I am considering a pea puffer for my 5 gallon (may be a 10 later). I need info on how to care for them and how many I can have. Will they eat live plants? I also need to know how to feed them.
Thanks in advance and God bless!
They don't eat plants, you need to primarily feed bloodworms but they are messy eaters and will overeat to the point they die so you need to be careful not to overfeed. Because they are so messy you need to do a 50% pwc at least once a week to keep it clean. I personally have a ten gallon with 3 in it but I wouldn't do much more than that they are very territorial once they reach sexual maturity. Also you need a lot of stuff in there to keep them occupied i.e. bubbles, plants, caves. They like to make caves there only little homes. Any other questions I'll be happy to share what I can.
What if I have only 1 male with a group of females? Does that eliminate aggression? Also are they compatable with anything?
Well after reading stuff at the link you posted and such I dont think I should keep this fish. I am terrible about doing pwc. So I need suggestions for my 5 gallon :)
Thats no problem. I can get unlimited snails for free :)
That's good just something I read on aquarium fish. Net I was going to get one but now I don't have room lol need a bigger tank again
I am probably going to pass as I am not steady with water changes lol
Lots of DP keepers have never ran into this problem. Consensus - DPs do not get overgrown teeth. Feed whatever you want, but snails are pretty nutritious.
i got 4 dwarf puffers and like 16 ghost shrimp in a 20 gallon i feed them blood worms with all live plants they r so cool :)
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