Peacock Eels

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 6, 2009
Anyone got these things or had them before?

I got a 26g sand tank and kuhlis are hard to find around here, they burrow lot more then my kuhli does from what I saw at the LFS today and would like em to stir the sand instead of me.

Make sure you have a really secure lid. They are every good escape artiest. I owned one that managed to jump out during the night of a very small hole where the hob filter was and I didn't catch it in time. :(

This site might help
Peacock Eels
I managed to find a LFS that stocked black kuhli loaches so I went that way, however I had to give up my rainbow shark, kuhlis are way too expensive for live food.
Yeah Rainbow sharks are more aggressive, but I would recommended not keeping peacock eels and kuhli loaches together also. Even tho peacock eels are peaceful fish. They still see a smaller fish as lunch.
I had 4 peacock eels. Only one would come out all the time and hang out in the plants. The others burrowed the majority of the time. When they would move around they were really cool to look at.
I opted to get more kuhli's due to the size of tank and them being alot smaller full grown compared to the peacock eel. It was just an idea, LFS didnt/doesnt stock kuhli's so that was the next best thing temperment wise, I much prefer the kuhli's even though they are black kuhlis they still look very neat and entertaining to the kids when they play in the sand together.

Are females lighter in color?? and males MUCH larger body size over females with eel-like loaches?
From what I can tell by doing a quick Google search. It is pretty hard to tell the difference between male and female. From what I also read that the only way to tell if its a female is by seeing the green eggs inside her before they breed. But that is pretty rare in captive.

When breeding, the females often become monstrously fat and their greenish ovaries can be seen through the skin before spawning

That's a quote from one of the sites that I found, which are listen below that might be able to help ya also.

Kuhli loach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok cool, then this so far aint a chick fish.

2 of the kuhlis have alot of fun together both swimming around kid appropiate stuff but im not sure what they do when they hit the sawgrass thicket, they are un-seperable loaches it seems.
Yeah I was always a fan of Kuhlis Loaches. If you like eel type loaches, you might also check out dojo loaches or I think another name is yoyo loaches. They are fun to watch also.
I was under the presumption on behalf of many "pro's" that black kuhlis were DoJo's......Its obvious that is wrong whats the difference? I cant tell to begin with other then the fact mine are black, there are albino's and the others are yellow/black banded eels. Eels I like are kuhli size because they dont take up any space at all due to their dwelling, just the waste and I always run 1 size bigger filter to be able to take on more fish waste and more tank waste overall.
I did sand because of its beneficial features over gravel as a biological filter in itself not just a host like a UGF.
I was under the presumption on behalf of many "pro's" that black kuhlis were DoJo's......Its obvious that is wrong whats the difference? I cant tell to begin with other then the fact mine are black, there are albino's and the others are yellow/black banded eels. Eels I like are kuhli size because they dont take up any space at all due to their dwelling, just the waste and I always run 1 size bigger filter to be able to take on more fish waste and more tank waste overall.
I did sand because of its beneficial features over gravel as a biological filter in itself not just a host like a UGF.

Yeah sand is very good for eel type fish. Its easier on them when they dig and it lower the risk of them getting open cuts. There are a serval different dojo loaches and kuhli loaches. Take a look at these pictures which I hope help.


Black Kuhli Loach


Dojo Loaches. There are other dojo loaches, like gold dojo loaches, and I am sure there are black dojo loaches also.


Kuhli Loaches

Which as you can tell they look really smiler.
All I can find OTC at my LFS around here is Blacks, I used to work for an LFS when I was just entering the workforce at the ripe age of 14( school approved, kept my grades consistent) and we used to have different kuhlis and eels, had all sorts of un-normal fish that our customers requested, deathco moved in and shut the place down.

I am going to be ordering from the internet at some point, I just need to do my homework on the companies first.
I have had my peacock eel for about a month and well, sometimes i honestly forget that I have one. Ill see it MAYBE once a week when I am messing with my plants. Somehow they stay alive, ive never seen them eat.


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