Pellets VS Flakes

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 25, 2012
Could someone please explain the difference between those, which is better?
Dear SLoViper,

It depends on the fish and also what they are used to. For instance, it is recommended that goldfish eat sinking pellets to prevent them gulping down--goldies are piggies--flakes on the the surface and swallowing air.... Some goldies have trouble with pellets at first--not looking for them sinking--because they were raised with flakes. But because they are piggies, they adjust rapidly.

My tropicals are another matter--parrot, tiger barbs, tetras, platyies. I inherited them from a friend who was moving. They were used to flakes. I valiantly tried to switch them to pellets. They never got hungry enough to eat the pellets before they became decomposing litter on the bottom of the tank. So I relented and are back to flakes.

Check out the labels, ask friends and see what works for you.
I use a combination of the two. That way my greedy tropicals will eat at the flakes but the pellets will sink and my Raphael cat will have something to eat.
It seems that my tropicals like both flakes and pellets, but what im concerned is will the sinking pellets pollute the water?
If you dont overfeed, it shouldnt be a problem. You will definately want to remove any uneaten food though. The pellets themselves are just compressed fish food and will fall apart after a short time when exposed to the water. Just a quick vacuum will remove anything uneaten that falls into the substrate.
I agree wholeheartedly. Feed the proper food for the proper species and don't overfeed.

We feed a variety of foods including shrimp pellets, algae wafers, cichlid mix (flakes/sticks/pellets), various frozen foods like brine shrimp and plankton, my fry get golden pearls and decapsulated brine shrimp eggs. I also soak the food in Garlic Guard or Vita-Chem every few days.
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