Petco Dollar per gallon sale Sunday!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 16, 2014
Northern California
Sorry if someone has posted this already, but I got the skinny from an employee today that Petco is having their dollar per gallon tank sale this Sunday, March 30. I'm assuming it's a national thing in the US, but "check your local listings."

I'll definitely be picking up a 29 to replace my 10 at a later date.
Sorry if someone has posted this already, but I got the skinny from an employee today that Petco is having their dollar per gallon tank sale this Sunday, March 30. I'm assuming it's a national thing in the US, but "check your local listings."

I'll definitely be picking up a 29 to replace my 10 at a later date.

yay! thanks for sharing :) you can never have enough fish tanks!
Yes you can! LOL

Ohhhh I want to go but I already have 14 feet of tank(s). Oh my how to explain it all to my spouse! I've just GOT to figure a way. :brows:
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