pH 8.6

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2002
Stonington Ct
Hello everyone , Thanks again for all the great tips . i might have a problem . 20 gal reef tank that has no fish . It does have a lot of invertebrate. I was going to move a fish in there from another tank . So i tested the water first . Now i have a cheap test kit for my pH it goes up to 8.6 color code . Well i tested the water and it came back at 8.6 it could be higher dont know . Iv never had a problem of to high pH what do i do . alk was a little high,ammonia 0
I had my ph go to 8.6 once. I did a 15 percent water change and it fixed it. However I did loose a finger leather to the incident.
Not sure how many people here will agree with me but the best thing I've found to lower pH is either A) Water change or B) pH DOWN made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I'd try the water change first (though test your water and see if your waters natural pH is really high)...if things don't change go with the pH worked for me.

What was your alk reading specificly. There is a direct relationship between alk and PH. Are you running a skimmer? Anything that might be adding oxygen to the tank?
I need a better test kit for my pH and alk , they only show me colors its the same kit . [kent] . i dont have a skimmer on this tank yet, but i do have a extra prism skimmer ill use later . now the only thing im using is a bio-wheel 660 . Also this tank has the best growth of coral . Much better than the other tanks .
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