Ph adjustment

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 16, 2012
Edmonton Alberta canada
I have never bothered trying since my fish have been fine. But if you did aim on lowering your ph how would you do it? Always wondered that...
Kainen said:
I have never bothered trying since my fish have been fine. But if you did aim on lowering your ph how would you do it? Always wondered that...

They sell chems like pH down. And buffers that will help lower it.

What is it now? And why would you want to do that? I know you said "what if"

With pH I believe stability is key.
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If the pH is really really high, the best route is to mix in r/o water during water changes. Adding tannins can help lower ph some, but I like leaving things alone unless they are way out of wack, or if I'm trying to spawn something.
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