Phosphate level and coudy tank linked together?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2006
Ashland KY
would having a Phosphate level of over 10 ppm, it was actually off the scale on the comparision chart, anyways would this be the reason my tank is so cloudy all the time, I do water changes out the but and no matter what it is still cloudy, could this be why?
Usually if the water is cloudy with high PO4 it's green. with some bulbs it will look white, until you take some under metal halides or daylight.
still white lol It baffles me becuase my water was crystal clear when i first got fish and it stayed that way until I added the betta and black molly at them same time oevr a month ago, no matter how many water changes and gravel cleanings I do its still cloudy
Sounds like bacteria bloom then. What are your test levels? Add anything else new besides the fish? What is the PO4 level of your tap water. If it is that high and you are doing large changes then I imagine your tap is high too or you are really overfeeeding. You may want to get Phosphorous removing media and see if that helps.
Yup, sounds like bacteria bloom. Try feeding a little less. Also, check the levels in your tap after letting it sit out overnight.
I am going to get some phosphorus removing media in the next few days and i have cut back the feeding, i think it might be the 1/2 of an algea wafer i put in there for the red tailed shark, only thing is he doesn't eat it, i onlt one in per week the rest of the time he eats flake food
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