piece of chicken breast instead of cocktail shrimp to cycle?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 1, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
Hi, My ammonia levels are quite low but my nitrite levels are very high. I used a nutrafin 'cycle' product to help with the nitrite levels but after 4 days nothing has really changed. I was thinking of using a piece of chicken breast to help cycle the tank (It's a 35g). Would this be of any help? What else could I do, I am hoping to add liverock sometime next week from lr.com but want my tank levelst to be somewhat stable (ph is fine, salinity is ~1.023, temp is ~25C +- 1 deg).

I have been runing the tank with just water for about 7 weeks, I have 10 lbs of argonite sand over a bag of caribsea cc substrate. My filter is a emperor 280 filter (has a carbon filter media and a (clean) biowheel, also has a container for another filter media that can be filled up)

Is my only solution time?

For lighting i just have a 18" eclipe 'daylight' plain white floro and 2 blue cold cathode tubes (for moonlighting, works great!)

Well the chicken should decay like a shirmp and create ammonia, so I don't really see why not. I'm not sure how well a piece of chicken would stay together though, I believe, but am not sure, that part of the benefit to a shrimp is that the shell helps keep some of the rotting tissue together in one place instead of floating around.
do i really need to add this shrimp andor chicken if the cycle process has already begun? my nitrites are very high, anything else i can do to help aid this? anyone care to speculate what caused the cycle to begin if i never added any initial ammonia/shrimp/bacteria?


Oh, you didn't use anything to start the cycle? I just read something the other day about how just junk in the air can eventually cause a small cyle--sorry I don't have a link! But--IME the nitrites are the long part of the process. The ammonia might only last a few days but it can take a week or longer to start to go down. (That's mostly FW experience BTW, and one SW tank.)
If your gonna be adding live rock from LR.com next week you really wont need to add the chicken or shrimp as the live rock will help complete the cycle.
I prefer to use the whole chicken rather than pieces. A whole live chicken that is. You don't even need powerheads, their thrashing around does a pretty good job of moving water.

But seriously, patience dude, patience.
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