Plant for my tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 9, 2003
Quincy, MA
Hey all,
I have the following in my 90Gals tank, 2 kois, few tiger barb, 2 parrots cichlid, a red tail shark. I'm lookin for some plants for the tank, any suggestion?
I dont know much about plants but, I've seen some really nice sword plants and a cool looking Moss Ball. you should check those out.
Several factors come to mind nguygen:

1. Do you want low-light, low-maintenance plants?
2. What is your current wpg?

Some plants require less than 2wpg, some require more. If you go over 2wpg, you will need some CO2 injection. A listing of plants for each type of lighting can be found at
I'm lookin for low light plant as the tank only have stock lightning on it, I was think some anubias nana and some java fern/lace, but still exploring my options tho.
I've found my java ferns to be very hardy in my planted tank and I only have 1.5 wpg.
i just got some anarchis and ive heard its really good for teh water quality.
I have anacharis and hornwort in tank with only 1 wpg and the plants are great. Hornwort grows about 2" per week. Those are very undemanding plants!
Well, sound like Anacharis and Hornwort is getting a place in my home :) how do I place these things in aquarium tho? Bury in the subtrate or tie to a piece of rock/wood?
I've heard that koi are notorious plant eaters so they may eat tha anacharis and hornwort. You may want to go with some java fern and anubias, since they have tougher leaves and , at least in the case with java fern, less palpable.
Well, sound like Anacharis and Hornwort is getting a place in my home how do I place these things in aquarium tho? Bury in the subtrate or tie to a piece of rock/wood?

You can either bury it in the substrate, or leave them floating at the surface, as I did at the beginning. I've just added some liquid fertilizer and hornwort grows about 1/2" a day! And I forgot about my problems with "green water" I've had before.
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