Plant ID and some advise

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
I have a plant that I cant seem to keep the bright green allege from covering the leaves. I noticed that it is very red, would this indicate low nitrates? My test kit is hard to read but phosphate should be about 1 and Nitrate is around 10. The nitrate gets used up pretty quick so I may try doing it alittle more.

Also C02 is injected
PH is 6.7 from 7.5



the red plant is Alternanthera reineckii

need to know your Kh to determine CO2 levels, and your exact pH (wasn't sure if you meant it was down to 6.7 from 7.5, or it ranges between those values)

what are you using for NO3 and PO4 test kits?
Sorry, forgot to post my KH, It is between 7 and 8.

PH from the tap is mid 7s C02 brings it down to 6.7

The KH test kit is JBL (Ithink its a european brand) the nitrate and phosphate kit is seachem

I dose dry ferts from Greg Watson to get my nitrates and phosphates up.

Alternanthera will stay red regardless of nitrates, and since it is a slow grower, tends to get algae on it. I have a bunch in my tank and it looks pretty much like yours. On mine the lower leaves are green on top and red underneath, and as it grows closer to the light it gets red on both sides of the leaf.
Nice tank. If the bright green algae is green spot, try increasing your PO4 target. I think the stuff on the wood is pretty.

If it's cyano, the course of action is different. Does it come off in sheets?
czcz said:
Nice tank. If the bright green algae is green spot, try increasing your PO4 target. I think the stuff on the wood is pretty.

If it's cyano, the course of action is different. Does it come off in sheets?


Definitely not sheets and I agree i like it on the wood also. As for the Alternanthera, I have just been clipping the leaves that get covered with Algae at water changes and the plant seems to love it, it is grows faster and looks healthier when I clip off the infested leaves.
aye, Alternathera stays red as long as iron is good. its' not a 'low nitrates make it red' type of plant like so many red/pink plants are.

your CO2 is good.

do you often dose much KNO3? if not, you might need a little more potassium if you aren't already dosing K2SO4 or KCl

Like you, i think a little algae on wood looks natural.
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