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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 9, 2011
Lutz, Fl
I'm setting up a breeder tank for dwarf gourami. They need floating plants to build their bubblenest. What kind of plants van I use that require the least care? Do I need special lighting and a co2 system? I have an led light system on the tank now. Thanks! - Plant Guide
I don't know anything about LED lights and the type of light they give off. The link above is a list of floating plants. In my experience, duckweed takes the least amount of effort to grow. That being said, for many planted aquarium keepers it's the bane of their existence. Once you have it, it's almost impossible to get rid of and unless you're super duper careful it will make it's way into every tank you have.
I also have dwarf water lettuce. It's roots grow much much longer and it's not as hard to get rid of. Salvinia is another option but it is on the federal noxious weed list (I know the giant salvinia is, I can't speak to the other varieties). Frogbit could be another option. I don't have experience with this one but quite a lot of people have it and hopefully someone will pipe up whether you have the appropriate lighting or not.
I was in the same position as you, but I didn't really care for the bubble nest, All I wanted was to find a nice floating plant for my Gourami.

I wasn't satisfied with other floating plants until I came across Red Tiger Lotus. You plant it in substrate and it will shoot up floating lily pads to the surface. I currently have two lily pads floating.

Here are two pics I quickly found online:


It the plant has a red and green variety.
Hello arach...

Water sprite and Water wisteria are very good floating plants. Water sprite grows well just floated. The Water wisteria I have is attached to a piece of floating driftwood. Both are fast growers if you dose a good fert, and they create a lot of shade on the tank bottom. I planted low light plants underneath these two.

You can simply float water wisteria too. I have some floating with a betta. Its usually easier to find that water sprite.
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