Planted Net Backdrop

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 2, 2012
I've been considering a backdrop for my tank for a while, and I think I've had a bit of an epiphany. My plan is to cut a plant/butterfly net to size, attaching it to the back of the tank with suckers, and seed it with some kind of moss- I'm considering either java moss or christmass moss for my tropical aquarium. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on this sort of setup. Are there any particular plastics I should avoid? I'm looking at Nylon netting at the moment.

I'm also concerned about my tank being overtaken by unwanted plant growth, as I hear that Java Moss is quite a colonizer and can clog up filters. Does anyone know any better plants than the ones I mentioned for this? I plan to seed the substrate with dwarf baby tear and to have a few amazon frogsbits floating on the surface too, for a sort of jungle look to my tank- and plenty of hiding places for fry and my cardinal tetras so they don't get eaten by my black widows.

I'm fairly new to fishkeeping, so any advice would be welcome.
Java moss works well in this type of application. It is a relatively fast grower, but not so fast that you won't be able to control it.
Well, tried this and it didn't go so well. the netting was as flush as I could get it to the back and within minutes not one but two fish had managed to get themselves wedged behind it, so I pulled it out. Settled for tying the Java moss to my driftwood and a couple of rocks, will have to think about something else for my backdrop perhaps just plain black or blue.
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