Plants for Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 20, 2005
I am starting to put a list together of plants for my tank. Any negatives on any of these plants or definetly a no go. Telnthera, glossostigma, lobelia, kleiner bar sword, radican sword, ozelot sword, variegated Japenese dwarf rush, jungle val, anubias nana, and microsword. A few java ferns (currently in tank) will be thrown in the mix also.
this really isn't a negative, but just a fore warning. Glossostigma is very tedious to plant, you have to plant it stem by stem. When I bought it I wasn't aware of that. It looks very good though once you plant it. Good Luck.
The swords could possibly get really big and cause a shade issue. I loved my Ozelot sword, but it dominated a full 1/3rd of my 90 gallon tank, and I finally had to get rid of it after having it for 2 years. I haven't kept the other swords you mention, so I don't know if they would do the same. My Jungle val must be trimmed pretty ruthlessly, or the leaves will get super-long and cover a bunch of surface area, causing shade problems. Jungle val definitely belongs at the back of the tank due to its height. I see no problems with the rest of your list, but should mention that I have no experience with either Telnthera or variegated Japenese dwarf rush. HTH.
if you have sand... the micro sword might float up.. because mine did.. but i didnt know how to plant it, and still dont
Thanks, I was concerned about the swords growth (circumfrence wise) I will nix the ozelot and radican. I think the kleiner bar may still work but will have to some additional investigation. Figured I would use it near the back of the tank and use it more of a focal point due to the color contrast with other plants. The val was for the back of the tank and I have some nice sharp scissors ready.
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