Plate coral sick question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Nottingham, UK
Here is a pic of my plate coral which I have had for about 3 months. As you can see clumps of the surface tissue are coming away for no reason. The water quality is good and there does not seem to be an other problems with any of my other corals.
Does anybody know what might be causing it and if I should worry about it.

SG = 1024
PO4 = 0
Nitrates =0
Calcium = 400
Ph = 8.2

The coral in question is actually a Pagoda "cup" Coral, Turbinaria peltata. They are usually a fairly hardy coral providing the specs are all fine. Aside form the numbers you've posted, how is the alk, lighting and water flow?

Also be wary of nearby corals. Chemical warfare can be quite nasty between corals even inches apart resulting in necrosis. Any new additions or alterations lately?

Watching this, mine is doing the same thing. All levels are good and no other coral that close to em. I have had mine for months and just upped the lighting around him.

you said you just upped the lights around him do you mean you changed or upgraded the lights if you did go to more intense lighting did you slowly build up the daylight hrs on the tank could be burning the corals... not for sure I have never burned any of mine but if the water is ok that would be my guess
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