Platy Identifcation anyone?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2013
Flanagan IL
got a few platys yesterday from my buddy, 2 of them a great blue sapphire mickey mouse platys(beautiful colors and great markings) however the 3rd platys is gorgeous but has no mickey mouse marking, he(as he has no anal fin) is the same body shape as the mickey mouse platy, same blue coloring as the other 2, and is very very speckled with black spots, can anyone help me identify what kind of platy he is? his top fin seem to be a little taller and has a very nice black edging on his top fin that just makes his blue color explode, but as a said what kind of platy is this, or is it a regular/mickey hybrid?
Right on he looks just like a Mickey, do hi-fins have the same body type as mickeys? Also will a hi-fin breed w a Mickey?
I don't know about the body types, but I don't see why they couldn't breed. They are all the same species. There are already plenty of hybrids out there.
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