Play sand

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 8, 2013
Tampa, Florida
So I bought 100 pounds of play sand for my 55gal
I have live plants about ten of them, if I add the correct amount of tetra safe start and my canister filter won't be empty so the bio balls are safe, how long should I wait for my cycle to finish?
I do not have an ammonia test, only the 5 in 1 strip test, Gh Kh Ph Nitrate nitrites
Is this a new tank?

The tetra safe start isn't a for sure way of cycling your tank. You will need to decide whether to do a fish in or fishless cycle. Either way you will really need an ammonia test to keep an eye on whats happening in your tank.
Its a old tank, currently running, but would the bio bacteria in the canister filter help the ammonia as well as the safestart? I have some white cloud fish I can out in there, and with the plants, do u have a general idea of how long to wait? I'll get an ammonia test to be on the safe side anyways
If the media in the filter is mature and ccycled then there is nothing to worry about. Just go ahead and replace the substrate and you shouldn't see any cycle.
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