please help! cardinal issues! dropsy? worms?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 23, 2013
I've been noticing that some of my cardinal tetras seem fatter than the others. they were so small when i got them and i've never had them before. Figured maybe normal growth and different sexes.
Recently I've observed that several of their bellies are whitish and irregular in shape. (belly bump not smooth line.) Today, the most "fat" or "distended" one has a white "curly-cue" protruding from his side right behind his fin. Kinda looks like the little lick that opens when you cook quinoa.
Sorry can't find my proper camera and there is too much of a delay on my other one to get a decent pic.
He's eating. Can't tell if he's pooping, tried peas. No one in the tank touched them. Not pineconing eyes normal (i think)
Worried for dropsy or parasite. Looked in my fish health book. nothing conclusive.
Please help.
water parameters are great except ph. was too low yesterday (fell to 6.3 overnight from 6.6) . added some more ro rite and got a bigger ph jump than i expected. still only just above 7.
Have done two dosings of melafix over the last 2 days as one of my danios was an idiot.
thank you! great link. Doing some more research, Ièm thinking it might be an anchor worm. It is in the right spot between pectoral and pelvic fins EXCEPT that it is curled to look a bit like a circle rather than hanging straight like the pics i saw.
any experience with these buggers? any idea how i might confirm suspicions and or treat??
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