Please help fish dieing

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 5, 2011
we just got back from vacation not 5mins ago and my grandma thought she would be nice and do a suprise cleaning.... and she used some type of chemical(a spray on of course) on the top and got in in the water... my fish have lost color and strength and the water is cloudy and i dont know what to do, please help me asap
i will update you guys on the situation tomarro , i will get to the store tommarro and i cannot today. i did a PWC and they are looking lots better
Change as much of the water as you safely can. At the very least, do a 50% water change.

If you don't have carbon in the filter, get some. If you use carbon already, change it. It will help to absorb the toxins from the water. Change it again in 2 weeks if you normally use it in your filter. You don't want those chemicals released into the water again.

Either way, disturb your biological media as little as possible, you'll need it.
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