Please help Flowerhorn mouth fungus!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2011
My male Flowerhorn was banged up by the female during mating and he has a terrible mouth fungus from the wound. It happened about 2 weeks ago and I treated with API fungus cure and Triple sulfa ( both pro series) and the fungus isn't fully gone. He looks terrible.. Hasn't eaten in about 2 weeks. A peice of his bottom lip is rotting off! I followed directions to a T and did full treatments... I'm not sure what 2 do now. Please help!


Ouch that looks really nasty. Poor fella. Your going to need some strong antibiotics. It looks pretty infected. I'm not very familiar with many if the products available in the states so I can't recommended anything in particular.
mouth fungus

id just call a vet too see if they could offer a solution if your vet is worth a grain of salt he or she would try to find an antibotic that would help
mouth fungus

hey i just looked up and found a treatment on website called flower horn usa says water change 75 to 90 % treat with tetracycline and or maracyn 2 too also increase airation and filtrtration too max also keep amonnia and nitratres under controll but please look it up yourself FLOWERHORN USA
The only tank mate he had was a female King Kamfa FH a little more than half his size. I always keep them divided because they are so aggressive but I put them together when she dropped eggs so he could fertilize. When I come home from work he had a very small tear in bottom lip (no big deal I thought) so I separated them and treated with melafix.. Then the fungus started... Bottom jaw is actually result of fungus.
Thanks sheilac! Im gonna check it out right now!?
Ouch! He needs serious meds & I would increase the salinity to .1% as well. Your going to have to order stuff online unless you have an aquatic vet that can help you. In the meantime, you can try treating with maracyn2 but I am not sure if this will be strong enough but it will atleast help keep things in check to some degree. Check out this site & order some kanamycin sulfate (kanapro)- ask them to rush the order. This can be combined with Furan2 (which most stores carry) for greater effectiveness. It will affect your biological filter so be prepared for water changes. Dips of methylene blue can be effective in helping as well. If his jaw is broken though, you really will need the aid of aquatic vet.

Thanks jlk and everyone for the quick replies! I don't have an aquatic vet nearby but I will get on this right away!
It is difficult to tell from the photo what is actually going on there. I would second the use of kanamyacin as an antibiotic, but at higher dose (3x) than on the package, if it says 150mg per 10 gallons. I would also consider catching the fish and applying Methylene Blue directly to the wound, full strength.before any treatment, I would do one or more massive water changes (75% to 90%)to reduce the number of pathogens in the tank, and lower the temp to inhibit bacterial growth and increase the amount of dissolved oxygen.
Antibiotics won't help with fungus, so you may want to also use methylene blue, if in fact there is true fungus present. It looks pretty bad, and should the fish survive, it will likely never be the same. Good luck.
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Thanks again everyone for your help but unfortunately he didn't make it.. Day late and a dollar short on my part treating him.. Now I have a much better idea what to do in the future. Thanks for all the info!
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