Pod munching Green Chromis???

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 1, 2004
St. Augustine/Jacksonville, Florida
My tank just cycled and whenI thought all had died through the cycle (LOL) I have a huge florish of pods all over the glass, I mean mass amounts. Pretty happy about it.

Sooo... I bought a wee little chromis and a O. Clown (who school toghether BTW, so neat!)

But I noticed last night the Chromis puckering up and feasting on my pods.. then he would go fast and slide down the back glass and eat them... like a tang grazing is the best way to describe it...is that normal? I mean, he eats and eats good, total pigger.

I have two oscellaris clowns, a yellow tang, and a royal gramma in my tank and I've seen them all treat the back wall of the tank like an hors d'Oeuvre tray...
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