Poll: What is your favorite fish and why?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 16, 2006
Myrtle Beach, SC
By this I mean one you have now, or have had in the past! And feel free to post a pic of your fave!

Well.. I don't have much experience, but I really like my dwarf gouramis.. they are so pretty and playful!
i like chiclids the most because they are so smart and exciting.but it died years ago.there great to have though.
red tailed sharks becuase I love the coloring, Clown loaches for the coloring and behavior, and tiger barbs for the coloring and playfullness
My favs are...

Bettas - Large variety of color/tail combos. Easy to maintain if kept the right way. Healthy ones have great attitudes, very intelligent, & can become very personable.

Shellies/dwarf cichlids (apistos, kribs, brevis, etc) - I love the "large attitude in a small body"
My favorite is my Clown Pleco. He hides most of the day and when he is out his coloration camouflages him so well I have a hard time seeing him (especially if he is on the driftwood), so when I do get a glimpse of him I get all excited by such a rare sighting. Its like being on safari and seeing a rare or endangered species :)
Comet- they are big and bright with gorgeous fins and they are smart. They recognize people and learn rather quick.
I love black ruby barbs because their cheeks get red when they get mad. Mine died :( , but I'm going to get a few when I get a bigger tank. They are first on my list.
i'd say blue rams. (except for the fact that my original 2 died last week). their personality is just so fun, and the way they interact with people is just awesome.

i'd say they're the only fish i have that swims up to the glass as soon as you go up there. it's like they're trying to say "what up!" or something LOL
My absolute fav is my 2 fire eels. They are fun to watch just after the tank lights go off. And they love bloodworms. I have a great time feeding them. :)

So hard to choose....
There is the oscar, for its intelligence,
Discus for their pretty colours,
My Clown Pleco cause he is just so cool!
and the Ghost knife is well it explains itself really.

BUT! In the end i would have to say my Saratoga Jardini, he's\ she's so smart and and has one hell of a personallity. :)


  • 1saratoga_203.jpg
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Holy crap trotty.. that looks like a big fish!!

Lonewolf.. those eels are FW or SW?? I bet they are aggressive, huh?? Very pretty tho!

I am gonna go look up everyone's fave fish now!!
Yeah currently it's about 15" long, has a long way to go yet.
The saratoga is in a 4x2x2 400L tank. I've put a background and some plants in will post a pick as soon as i get another cam. Looking at upgrading to 6x2x2.....
Well here's my new favorite. The photo is from my camera phone, though. Sorry for the quality.


  • blue_109.jpg
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is that a brichardi in the back? since i only know 2 types of brichardi... ima guess its a daffodil
so many to chose from!!!!

Betta's are probably my all time favorite becuase of their personality and ease of care.

I just got into african cichlids and they are great for their color adn activity and make a beautiful tank.

Pleco's Pleco's and more Plecos-they are just so awesome.

cory catfish and clown loaches for their playfulness and they're just so cute!
I love my clown loach. He adds color to the tank. I still like my guppies and tetras. I do have a buddy in the tank, my cory cat. He is going on 5 yrs old and comes out to see me when I am watching the tank.
I have a huge apple snail that I absolutely adore! He is so active and is CRAZY about algae tablets. I also love my white betta fish. He is beautiful.
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