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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 5, 2002
Minneapolis, MN / Las Vegas,NV
I'm looking for a good brans to use on my 125g cichlid tank.
What are a few good brands to use and can I just suction cup them to my glass near the bottom of the tank?
Recommendations are welcome.
Hi Pondmom -

I have a single Penguin 1140 running on my 125, and it generates a TON of current. I had a second powerhead in there, but the poor fishies could barely swim! It was like a wind tunnel... only with water :mrgreen:
Hey Thai,

Guess where I'm heading today? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Back to WOF!!
More rock and "maybe" a few more fish.

So 1 powerhead is all I'd need.
Do you have yours submerged near the bottom?
I have an aquaclear.

You'll need more than one filter in that big of a tank I think would be your best bet anyways. They don't both have to be powerheads though. A canister filter is usually good for that size of tank.
I think you might want to have 2, one at each end. They do suction cup to the glass near the bottom, or wherever you want to have increased circulation. It depends upon how many obstructions (rocks, decorations) you have, but I think 2 would do it. They need to be submersed as they are water pumps and will burn up out of the water.

:D and as long as you're going that route, attach it to a sponge filter as well!
Well I ended up getting one for now. Since I have a flexable bubble wand burried in the gravel, the 2 fluval 404's(each back corner) and then the powerhead. I think I shoulf be ok. I can always order another.

Who would have thought I'd get so hooked on these cichlids :eek:
The are so cool to watch.
Thanks for the advice :wink:
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